Updating the Documentation 1st June 2015
The documentation is written in markdown, and then converted in two directions to create both this User Guide and the on-line help files that are bundled with the application.
Clone the documentation repository
Make changes locally. Pay close attention to formatting and syntax - use the live reload function (
mkdocs serve
) to preview them. -
When you’re happy, push the changes to your remote repository and open a pull request
Command sequence (this presumes Linux, but Windows is very similar):
cd ~/tvheadend-documentation
git add -A
(presumes to add everything)git commit -m "Summary of changes"
git push
… and then open the PR on github
To update and resync, someone (me, probably!) needs to:
- Merge the changes
- Pull the latest revisions from the repository
- Convert the webui files:
./convert.sh docs/webui <target_directory>
To merge the webui files into tvheadend, copy them into <your tvheadend clone>/docs/html
push them to your remote repository and open a PR to merge them into master.
- Convert all files:
mkdocs build --clean
- Copy the contents of the resultant
directory to gihub pages (Note: this step will become unecessary if and when readthedocs starts autobuilding correctly)
To publish the entire User Guide to gihub,
cd ~/github.io
cp -r ~/tvheadend-documentation/site/* .
git add -A
(presumes to add everything)git commit -m "Resync"
(or whatever your commit message is)git push
Other references
Readthedocs: https://tvheadend.readthedocs.org/en/stable/
Markdown basics: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
Markdown test: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus